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My personal goal in working with metal is to try to learn something new every day I spend in my studio. Each time I approach my bench, I strive to work out a new problem, refine a technique or trick that has eluded me, or to unlock some mystery in the medium. My passion for seeing the possibilities for combining metals with fancy cut gemstones, unusual cabochons, oddly shaped meteorites, and even vintage taxidermy eyeballs has taken my designs and techniques down ever-changing and exciting paths.

Over the last 16 years, my personal journey in metals has taken me from an in-depth exploration into the intricacies of ancient chain maille patterns, to a study of traditional metal-smith techniques and finally happening upon the medium that I love, fine silver metal-working.

I came to the world of metals by picking up an art history book in a museum gift store that had images of maille patterns and armor throughout history. In the images of that book, I started deciphering the intricacies of any maille pattern that I could find. I would stare at the patterns until I could see how it all would weave together. As my love of metals grew, I expanded my workbench to include a wide variety of cutters, saws, vises, gravers, scribes, dapping sets and as many hammers as I could get my hands on. The medium spoke to me and I have been listening to it ever since.

Anne Mitchell Metalworks is a creative studio that teaches metal jewelry creation 

in New Mexico and Nationwide

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